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Indonesian summer festival at the Weltkulturen Museum

There’s going to be a colourful Indonesian summer festival in Metzlerpark on Saturday, 20 August from 5 pm to 8 pm – and you’re all most welcome to come along! The Weltkulturen Museum will be your host for this event, marking the conclusion of the eye-catching exhibition “Green Sky, Blue Grass: Colour Coding Worlds”. Metzlerpark is situated directly behind the museum at Schaumainkai 35.

The festival will feature alternating performances from gamelan orchestra Wacana Budaya Höchst and the Indonesian shadow play puppeteer Sigit Susanto. The latter will be performing scenes from the Indian epics Mahabharata and Ramayana through the medium of wayang kulit – Indonesian shadow puppetry – bringing black heroes and red rogues to life in thrilling and thought-provoking stories for young and old alike.

The programme will include insights from South-East Asia curator Vanessa von Gliszczynski, who will talk about Javanese shadow puppetry with a particular emphasis on the colours used in wayang kulit.

An Indonesian food market will provide snacks and refreshments, which you can enjoy on your own picnic blanket in Museumspark accompanied by the sounds of the gamelan orchestra and shadow puppetry performances.

Admission is free of charge!
In Metzlerpark, behind the Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 35

In cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, Frankfurt am Main