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with Winnie Weber (Head of Tai Chi Forum Frankfurt am Main)

As part of the programme accompanying the exhibition “healing. Life in Balance”, the participants in this workshop can find out about Qigong exercises for improving their inner and outer balance. Qigong has an all-round effect on a person’s body and mind, and can help us to recognise and regulate imbalances. The questions to be explored include: When am I in harmony? When do I feel that I am in harmony? Is it the same thing? Why am I not? How can I change the situation if I want to?

No previous knowledge required and you don’t need to be especially mobile – just someone who has fun trying things out!

Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 35
For adults. 12 euros per person including admission.
Masks are compulsory for this event.
Please register via the booking button.