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Meghann O'Brien. Photo: Stasia Garraway 2020
Christie Lee Charles, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Christie Lee Charles, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Meghann O Brien im Interview, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Meghann O Brien im Interview, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Meghann O Brien im Interview, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Tom Hunt, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Tom Hunt, Filmstill, Weltkulturen Museum
Tom Hunt, Kwakwaka'wakw, Komokva mask made of cedar wood, 1997, British Columbia, Canada, purchased from the artist after the exhibition “Raubwal und Sonnenfinder” (Predatory Whale and Sun Finder), Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Bowl in the form of a seal, cedar wood, Bella Coola, British Columbia, Canada, collected about 1906, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Shovel in the form of a hand, Kwakwaka'wakw, British Columbia, Canada, collected 1910 by Robert Garnet Rayment Piper, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Red cedar mat, Haida, British Columbia, Canada, collected about 1910 by Robert Garnet Rayment Piper, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
Chilkat blanket made of sheep's wool and cedar, Tlingit, British Columbia, Canada, collected about 1963 by Robert, L. Stolper, Collection Weltkulturen Museum. Photo: Wolfgang Günzel 2020
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