Final tour of the exhibition with curator Vanessa von Gliszczynski
At the close of the exhibition Sound Sources. Everything is Music!, curator Vanessa von Gliszczynski will reflect on the exhibition topics and impressions from the exhibition period in an open tour. There is a lot to discuss. Is really everything music? What is music at all and is the concept of music perhaps not only different depending on cultural background, but also quite subjective? Please note that an angklung workshop will be taking place on the upper floor from 3 p.m. and that it may therefore get a little louder in the exhibition. All visitors are invited to watch and listen to the workshop participants. Otherwise, we recommend that you visit the exhibition in more detail before the guided tour and workshop.
7€ / 3,50€
Cost of the tour included in the entrance fee
Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29
Δ Angklung workshop with Angklung KJRI with Anyra Zulinarti (director of the KJRI angklung group)
An angklung ensemble consists of around forty individual bamboo instruments that are gently shaken to create a sound. Since the 1940s, angklung sets have been modelled on a western/European style of music. A fairly large group of musicians is needed to play a song, with each musician playing one or several notes. The ensemble is directed by means of hand gestures, similar to a choir. In 2021 the Weltkulturen Museum bought an angklung ensemble which could be played for exhibition projects – now, for the first time, this will happen within a workshop setting.
Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours
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No prior experience required.
Place on workshop: €6 plus the cost of admission to the exhibition. Please book in advance.
Venue: Weltkulturen Museum, Schaumainkai 29
Δ „Der chinesische Paravent. Wie der Kolonialismus in deutsche Wohnzimmer kam“
Book presentation and talk with Nicola Kuhn
From folding screens to tea sets and warrior shields, Nicola Kuhn uses a range of objects to create a panorama of the colonial era. Behind each of these objects lie the stories of an occupied country and its people. And the current owners also have their say. Nicola Kuhn will present her book in conversation with Stephanie Endter, curator of education.
Library, Schaumainkai 35, 5€, No registration required..
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